We are the team which mobilizes the energy source that for 30 years has made the Center and North of our country grow. We know what it is all about, and like energy, we transform ourselves. We become better and better. We connect our talent with the vision of being a sustainable and innovative company, a reference in the energy sector, as well as a provider of reliable solutions for our customers. The team which chooses every day to work and grow together.
We are much more than a pipeline company
We move the transition energy

Milestones that make us Proud
- We operate and maintain the largest gas pipeline network in the country.
- We are the only operator with regional ties with Chile, Brazil, Bolivia and Uruguay.
- We were the first to develop the gas exportation business.
- Our Pipeline Integrity Program has been internationally recognized.
- Since the beginning of our operations, we have incorporated hundreds of thousands of new users.
- Through our CSR programs, we have benefited dozens of communities near our network.
- We are ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISA 18.2 and ISA 101 certified.
To be a sustainable and ever-growing company, a reference in the energy sector, chosen by its people as a place to develop, recognized by the industry and committed to the community.
We are a natural gas pipeline transportation company that:
- Operates safely, reliably and efficiently.
- A company which respects the environment.
- Generates value for its employees, the community and its shareholders.
- Contributes to regional integration.
- Provides services and solutions to the industry.

We know what
it is all about

We act prudently

We value the
well-being of people

We see beyond
our limits