Ethics and Compliance with the Laws
We carry out our activity and we conduct ourselves as an organization and as individuals in compliance with the laws and the basic ethical principles, in a context of transparency and avoiding conflicts of interest.
We will always keep in force our internal control system and an efficient and effective risk management system in accordance to the inherent risks of our activity, our company size and our financial capacity.

Human Assets
We value our human assets. We guarantee the rights and dignity of our employees, we respect differences, and ensure equal opportunities based on merit.
We promote trainings for our employees as a professional development tool for the benefit of both the employee and the company.
We promote a positive work environment. We emphasize collaboration and team building among skilled professionals within a context of respect, trust and loyalty.
We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment in any form.

Value Creation
Our investors and shareholders trust us, and so we pursue a goal of high competitiveness and profitability levels in order to reward them according to the invested capital.

Safety and Health
We operate a high-pressure gas transportation system and we work under strict compliance of the safety regulations and industry best practices in order to ensure safety for the general population.
Safety for our employees and the general population comes first.
We count with an Occupational Health and Safety Service. We promote general healthy habits among our employees, and we apply best practices for workplace wellness.

Quality of service
Our purpose is to provide our customers with quality service in compliance with all industry regulations.

Community and Environment
As suppliers of an essential public service, we contribute to the wellbeing of the communities within a framework of respect for human rights and for the environment.

We communicate in a timely and transparent manner all the relevant transactions and the result of our operations.